/ Meeting was held between the Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association and APACCCEEC


On March 7, 2018 a meeting was held between the Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association and APACCCEEC. The meeting was attended by Mrs. Winnie Wang, Executive chairman of Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association; Changchun Gao, Executive Secretary; William Zhang, Deputy Secretary; Jason Li, Deputy Secretary; Wei Chang, Deputy Secretary; Yan Chen, Chairman of the XIEHE Group; Chantao Chen, Assistant to the Chairman of the XIEHE Group and a representative of the Shenzhen Municipality. The Bulgarian side was presented by Mr. Vasil Gelev, Executive Director of APACCCEEC, Mrs. Svetla Yancheva, Deputy Rector of Agricultural University – Plovdiv, Mr. Veselin Rashkov, Representative of Rashkov & Co. Law Firm, Ms. Yovka Yaneva, Expert at APACCCEEC, Mr. Yu Haobo, External Expert at APACCCEEC and representatives of Trakia Economic Zone – Plovdiv in Shenzhen.

After the meeting between APACCCEEC and representatives of Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association and the signing of the Joint Declaration, the following arrangements were reached:
– Establishment and development of “Digital 16+1 e-Commerce Logistics Hub and Pavilion for Agricultural and other Products”;

  • Upgrade and further development of the online platform www.16plus1cloud.org for the consolidation of agricultural producers from China and the CEE countries;

– Establishing interconnections between www.16plus1cloud.org  and Chinese e-commerce platforms, companies, banks, logistics companies, custom authorities etc.

In the period 15 – 17 June 2018, it is envisaged the construction of a stand of APACCCEEC and the participation of Vasil Gelev at the First Global Cross-Border Carnival for e-Commerce and the Third Shenzhen International Cross-Border e-Commerce Trade Expo, organized by Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association.