

Croatia is a sovereign state at the crossroads of Central Europe, Southeast Europe, and the Mediterranean. Its capital city is Zagreb, which forms one of the country’s primary subdivisions, along with its twenty counties. Croatia covers 56,594 square km and has diverse, mostly continental and Mediterranean climates. Croatia’s Adriatic Sea coast contains more than a thousand islands. The country’s population is 4.238 million.
A unitary state, Croatia is a republic governed under a parliamentary system. Croatia is a member of the European Union (EU), the Council of Europe, and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The service sector dominates Croatia’s economy, followed by the industrial sector and agriculture.
Croatia has favourable agro-climatic conditions which enable diverse agricultural production. In a relatively narrow agricultural area, due to diverse climatic conditions, relief and soil, a large number of agricultural crops, starting from wheat and industrial crops to wine grapes and Mediterranean fruits and vegetables, are successfully cultivated. The farming structure consists mainly of small family farms which mostly produce for their own needs.
According the Farm Structure Survey out of the total of 157 thousand farms, 69% use less than five hectares of land. The power of medium to large farms (farm that use more than 20 hectares), which use about 31% of utilized agricultural land and whose importance for market sale is increasing. With the
application of the latest technologies and extensive investments and knowledge, extraordinary production results have been achieved on some of these farms in global perspective.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia