13.02.2019 / Two state organizations – SME Promotion Agency and APAC will join forces for more effective promotion of Bulgarian goods and services in China

The Executive Director of the Association for the Promotion of Agricultural Cooperation between China and the CEE Countries Vasil Gelev and Dr. Boyko Takov, Executive Director of BSMEPA discussed the exchange of information and opportunities for joint participation in The Fifth Сhina-СЕЕС Investment and Trade Expo. The event will take place from 8 to 12 June in Ningbo. The Agency has traditionally organized the Bulgarian National Stand’s participation in the exhibition.
APAC will participate in The Sixth China-CEEC Featured Products Fair (in the 16+1 Format) which will be held together with the Trade Expo.
Gelev proposed, with the assistance of the Agency, after the end of the EXPO, the companies who participated in the Bulgarian National Stand, if they are interested, to exhibit samples of their products in the permanent 16+1 Pavilion. The Pavilion is part of the Liaison Office of APACCCEEC in the China (Ningbo) – Central and Eastern European Countries Youth Innovation Center, located in the downtown of Ningbo. This way, more Chinese companies, distributors, e-commerce platform developers, market chains etc. will be able to access the Bulgarian products. The APAC team in Ningbo will kindly coordinate both sides.
According to Gelev and Takov, the collaboration between the two institutions could bring real benefits for the Bulgarian participants in both exhibitions, financially – by consolidating the cargo and achieving better prices for the transportation, as well as optimizing the organization of document turnover, storage and custom clearance of the products.