06.11.2018 / Bulgarian companies have become acquainted with the activities of the Ningbo office

Between November 5 and 6, 2018 Emil Karanikolov, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria and his business delegation, including Vasil Gelev, Executive Director of APACCCEEC, visited the First China International Import Expo (CIIE), which took place in Shanghai. Representatives of 32 Bulgarian companies presented their products and services in the food, beverage, cosmetics and services sectors.
Within the framework of the International Fair Vasil Gelev held meetings with representatives of companies from Bulgaria and presented them with the newly opened Liaison Office of APACCCEEC in the city of Ningbo, Zhejiang province. Many of the companies have responded to the Association’s initiative their samples to be collected and exhibited at the 16+1 Pavilion of APACCCEEC, part of the Liaison Office. It was agreed to consolidate the production of the Bulgarian producers after the end of the CIIE and send it to APAC’s exhibition Pavilion in Ningbo.