/ APACCCEEC organized the third edition of the Academy for Entrepreneurship in Agriculture in Plovdiv


In the period 10.12 – 13.12.2024, the third edition of APACCCEEC’s Academy for Entrepreneurship in Agriculture was held at the Demonstration Zone of Agricultural Cooperation between China and the CEE Countries. The Academy is a successor of the Accelerator program for start-up enterprises in the field of agriculture between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which was successfully held in 2023, and aims to develop the entrepreneurial climate in major Bulgarian cities outside the capital Sofia.

Participants from all over the country took part in the Plovdiv edition of the Academy for Entrepreneurship in Agriculture. The participants prepared and presented innovative project concepts in the field of agriculture.

The Academy for Entrepreneurship in Agriculture was opened by Dr. Momchil Stanishev, Director of APACCCEEC and Assoc. Prof. Boryana Ivanova, Rector of Agricultural University – Plovdiv. They emphasized the importance of such initiatives for developing and improving entrepreneurial skills among young people. The opening of the third edition of the Academy was also attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimo ​​Atanasov, Deputy Rector of Agricultural University – Plovdiv and Assoc. Prof. Svetla Yancheva, Chief Secretary for Institutional Cooperation and Communications.

During the Academy week, the participants had the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills with the help of an intensive training program. Lecturers in the program included:

Ch. assist. Dr. Krum Hristov, lecturer at Agricultural University – Plovdiv, who explained to the participants some of the main issues in agriculture (related to food, farming, energy and environment) and the economic means for their solution. Dr. Hristov presented the EU Common Agricultural Policy and its development over the last decades. Emphasis was placed on various European programmes, projects and funds that aim at improving food quality and rural viability.

Ch. Assist. Dr. Dobri Dunchev, lecturer at Agricultural University – Plovdiv, discussed one of the essential topics for every entrepreneur – Leadership and Team Management. Participants explored some of the prominent examples of successful leaders worldwide and learned which qualities define a good leader. Dr. Dunchev explained the characteristics of different leadership styles and which jobs are best suited for each style. The participants tested their communication skills by taking part in simulation games.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kostadin Kolarov, Director of the UNWE Institute of Entrepreneurship, gave the young entrepreneurs valuable advice for successful business planning and modeling, explaining in detail the characteristics of the popular business model Canvas.

Dr. Momchil Stanishev, Director of APACCCEEC, answered the question “Quo vadis, entrepreneurship” and described the steps of starting a business – from the development of a business idea, through the preparation of the business plan and the establishment of a team. During the simulation games, participants had the opportunity to work as a team to prepare a business plan.

Yasen Tanev from Digital Innovation Hub Trakia introduced the participants to the basics of cyber security and explained how young entrepreneurs can protect themselves and their businesses from cybercrimes such as intellectual property infringement, cyber spying, data leakage and others.

Rosen Ivanov from Agricultural University – Plovdiv answered an import question for all entrepreneurs – Why Startups Fail? Mr. Ivanov discussed the current trends in startup development, emphasizing that the risk of failure within the first ten years is between 60 and 90%, depending on the country. Rosen Ivanov also presented some fundamental causes for startup failure – lack of capital, insufficient liquidity, consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Ch. Assist. Dr. Stanimir Andonov, lecturer at Technical University – Sofia, introduced the participants to Marketing and Branding strategy. Dr. Andonov explained how young entrepreneurs can build a successful brand by considering market trends and customer preferences. During the panel participants had the opportunity to create their own marketing strategy to promote brands in the agriculture sector.

APACCCEEC also provided two Mentor’s time panels in the program of the Academy, during which the young entrepreneurs discussed their project concepts with the mentors and received valuable guidance for improving the proposals. As mentors in the Plovdiv edition of the Academy took part successful entrepreneurs from the region – a producer of rose cosmetic products and a producer of healthy nut products.

On Thursday, December 12, Dr. Momchil Stanishev, Director of APACCCEEC, attended the official graduation ceremony in Agricultural University – Plovdiv. On the same day, Mr. Yang Tian, Head of the Education Department at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Bulgaria, visited the Demonstration Zone of Agricultural Cooperation between China and the CEE Countries, where he met with Dr. Stanishev and the participants in the Academy for Entrepreneurship in Agriculture. Mr. Tian introduced the participants to the latest training opportunities in China and wished them success in the Academy.

During the final day of the Academy for Entrepreneurship in Agriculture on December 13, the participants had the opportunity to develop their project concepts and present them within 10 minutes to a four-member jury, which, after a secret vote, made a decision and declared Gergana Kermenova as the winner. Her project concept “Solution to the honey marketing problem in Bulgaria” received the highest number of votes.

Gergana Kermenova was rewarded with a financial prize of 5000 BGN. She will use the award to implement her project.

APACCCEEC team expresses its gratitude to the Agricultural University – Plovdiv for the active cooperation in organizing and conducting the edition of the Academy for Entrepreneurship in Agriculture in the city. We congratulate Gergana Kermenova for winning the award and all the participants for their efforts! We wish them all the best for their current and future endeavours and may the Academy be just one step in their development.