/ Preparation for the establishing a Liaison Office of APAC in Belt & Road Collaborative Innovation Center


In the period 3-8 August 2018 in Qingdao, PRC representatives of the APACCCEEC held workshops with representatives of the Belt & Road Collaborative Innovation Center (BRCIC). The following was discussed:

• The official opening of the Liaison Office;

• The location, decoration and maintenance of exhibition space for the CEE countries in a joint innovation center under the Silk Road Initiative;

• The regular organization of the Liaison Office’s work.

On June 12, 2018, Vasil Gelev, Executive Director of APACCCEEC visited Qingdao and met Lu Zhang, Chair of the Silk Road Initiative Joint Innovation Center, Belt & Road Collaborative Innovation College, BRCIC, in connection with the practical implementation of the project. During the visit, the possibilities of establishing a Liaison Office in the framework of the Joint Innovation Center under the Silk Road Initiative were discussed.

Additional meetings are planned to continue the discussions.